There are numerous iPhone apps that are available which will make your life simpler, but first you must acquire the knowledge of how to use them correctly. To take a little of the mystery out of iPhone ownership and make your phone a more useful tool, check out this article’s suggestions.
When you own an iPhone, it’s hard to ever be truly lost. The maps app lets you see your location any time your service is active. This can help you get home or anywhere else you were planning to be.
Did you know that rice can be used to dry your iPhone if it gets wet? There has been many a person who accidentally dropped their phone into water – whether it be a puddle or even the toilet. Rather than trying to dry out your device with a blow dryer, wipe the outside with an absorbent cloth, and place the phone into a bowl or bag filled with dry rice. By leaving it in here for a few hours or, more preferably, overnight, you should have a dry, working iPhone.
Your iPhone can help you get from one place to another. The map feature can help you find the nearest gas station or navigate an unfamiliar area. Use bookmarks to mark your favorite locations or your home.
There is a better way to turn off the AutoCorrect feature than hitting the “X” button. Just tap the screen anywhere. That closes the box in a much simpler way.
There are different ways that you can improve how fast your messages are created. If the suggestion provided for a word by your iPhone isn’t what you want to use, you can get rid of it by tapping any part of the phone’s screen. Although the suggestion box has an “x” button for closing the window, you don’t have to use it.
Are you interested in accenting letters in your text conversations on the iPhone, but not sure how to accomplish this? This is what you need to do. Hold down the alphabet character you want to accent instead of tapping it. You should get a box to pop up that will include a number of additional keys. You can then type whatever you want!
For quick access to messages, tag each email account in advance. That is critical, so you can receive notifications instantly when you get messages, and can view them right on your phone. You can put multiple email accounts or only the one that you use the most.
Are you having second thoughts about the latest missive you entered into iMessage? Has Auto Correct made you say something silly? If so, then all you have to do is shake the iPhone. This etch-a-sketch action automatically erases recent typing. Note, this is an optional feature, so you need to check your Settings to make sure it’s enabled.
Suggestion Box
You don’t need to tap the X to eliminate the suggestion box that appears when typing if it is annoying you. By tapping on any other part of the screen, you can dismiss the suggestion box automatically.
You can take screenshots with your iPhone. Once you have selected the screen you would like a screenshot of, push down on your “home” button and make sure to click the “sleep” button the same time. You have successfully saved the screenshot to your iPhone once you see your screen turn white.
If your phone freezes and does not respond to Wake/Sleep, you can simply force a hard reset. Press the sleep button and home button at the same time for several seconds. This button combo will cause the phone to shut down and restart, which should get your phone back to working order.
You can turn on the sound of the keyboard clicks of your phone by accessing the “sounds” feature. This way, you’ll know that the phone is recognizing what you’re typing, and it will cut down on typos.
The advantage of the Safari browser on your iPhone is that you don’t have to add .com at the end of a URL when you are surfing the Web. You don’t need to type in the .com part when using your iPhone’s browser.
Personalizing your iPhone is easy when you select the perfect ringtone. Do you really want to use the same exact ringtone as your grandmother, your dentist and your boss? It’s simple to upload a favorite song or sound byte that entices you. This will help you to easily identify when your phone is ringing.
If you know anyone with an iPhone, you have seen some get their minds blown by the technology in their hands, for better and for worse. By utilizing the tips and techniques described in this article you will learn many of the possibilities available on your iPhone.